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“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
If we are going to accept that God has empowered us and that we are children of God, then we must learn to rely on His holy word as our only source of truth.
There is only one truth, that is the Spirit of truth from the unchanged word of God, anything else is a lie. We must ask the holy Spirit to give us understanding every time we open our Bibles.
God flat-out tells us that there are only two choices, we are either with Him (children of God) or we are against Him and with Satan who is the ruler of the world, (children of the world). If we want to be friends with the ways of this world, we will wind up being enemies with God. James 4:4
“They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; He who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” ~1 John 4:5-6
We must really get to know God intimately... literally fall in love with Him. It's all about the relationship. We need to learn how to virtually become one with God. We must become one with Him so we will be ready when He returns to take us home.
In order to get closer to God we must learn to put Him first. This means we must make a special time for Jesus every single morning, as well as calling on Him all day long, for everything. We must converse and learn to dialog with our Creator, I think of it as “mental telepathy with God”. Nothing makes our heavenly father happier than to commune with His children.
Do yourself a big favor…
Keep in mind that we aren't doing this just for Him, we're also doing it for ourselves. We must seek Him first in everything we do, rather than doing it ourselves, failing, and then asking for His help (which is what I usually wind up doing).
Remember as you start to delve into the word of God, to ask Him to lead you to the truth He has for you that day. Ask Him to fill you with understanding through His Holy Spirit, He will open your mind and give you understanding like you've never had before. Remember that the word of God is power-filled!
Just start at the beginning of the New Testament and read some of it every day, always asking for enlightenment. Remember to check in with Him throughout the day…. and not just when the flashing blue lights are in your rear view mirror. I’m not saying we shouldn't run to Him in times of trouble, just remember to also give Him a little thank you for everything that's going good. And lastly, call Him every night before you crash.
To grow closer to Christ, you must abide in Him, in His word, and in prayer/conversation. If you talk to Him the first thing and the last thing every single day, and reach out to Him throughout the day, you are certain to fall in love…because He will be growing His sweet Spirit within you.
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” ~John 15:7
Now that you know how to get closer to God, how can you stay close to Him?
Get the answer on my next post, or sign up below for an email reminder.
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I was so encouraged by you comments. Sometimes I wonder if anyone out there is listening. I revieve a lot of blow-back about my posts as they are against most peoples beliefs of what Christians think. I get far more negative responses on social media than positive because I speak only the truth according to the infallible word of God. I accept the (KJV) Bible from cover to cover as my one and only source, and that seems rub a lot of people wrong. I pray every day that God will draw those that He wants to see my blog posts and open their eyes to His beautiful love-filled truth. Stay strong in the word, and keep fighting the good fight. Jesus is coming soon.
Thank you so mush for you comment . . . I really needed it.