Prayer isn’t just folding your hands and worshipping God, it’s talking to Him about everything in your life. Do you think He only wants to hear from you when things are going good? Continue Reading
Category: Prayer & Praise
Am I good enough for God?
Eventually, we will all ask, am I good enough for God? No one can make himself clean enough for God, but through Christ’s cleansing blood we are all made… Continue Reading
How do I get God’s forgiveness?
How do I get God’s forgiveness? Do I have to go to church every week? How drastically will I have to change my lifestyle so that God will forgive me? Continue Reading
How do I get unstuck?
Are you tired of getting stuck in depression? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get unstuck? Then you need to have a game-play in place for the next time Satan tries to lure you into a state of fear and depression. Maybe it’s time to . . . Continue Reading
How can I stay unstuck?
Are you ready to stop reacting in fear every time something goes wrong? Are you willing to discover a new way to find peace in the storms of life? Maybe it’s time to learn how to let go and not take it back anymore—to surrender to God and stay surrendered! Continue Reading
Why do I need to be humble?
Humility doesn’t come easily to anyone. But until we are willing to humble ourselves and surrender to God, we will never be empowered to . . . Continue Reading
Why is pride so dangerous?
Our pride is our biggest nemesis. It’s so hard to concede and surrender. Submitting to authority is as difficult now as it was as a child. “I can do it myself” thinking seems to be the default thought pattern that continually clings to us. Our ego is so over-inflated that we never want to admit we are wrong or that we can’t do something. And therein lies the problem.How can we become empowered by Almighty God if we . . . Continue Reading
Why do I need Godly counsel?
If you think you never need any advice, think again. We will inevitable be led astray if we think we can make all our decisions on our own. God repeatedly tells us that . . . Continue Reading
How can I avoid temptation?
On our own we will fail! We can pretty much count on this end result, so why do we continue to try to do anything on our own? I’ll tell you why, because we get caught in the mindset of pride and believe we . . . Continue Reading
Are thoughts actually prayers?
On our own, we will fail! We can pretty much count on this end result, so why do we continue to try to do anything on our own? I’ll tell you why, because we get caught in the mindset of pride, and believe we . . . Continue Reading