How do I connect with God?
Finding God isn’t as difficult as you might think, all you have to do is . . .
How do I get closer to God? – Part 1
So how exactly do we get closer to God? How can we ever have a relationship with an invisible God? We must...
How do I get closer to God? – Part 2
If we are going to accept that God has empowered us and that we are children of God, then we must…
Why Jesus? – Part 1
Why Jesus? God knew that we would sin, He also knew we'd need a way out of this mess, and that's why Jesus...
Why Jesus? – Part 2
Death is the result of sin. There is only one way to overcome death, and that is…
How can I live forever?
We can’t save ourselves, and there is only one way to be confident that we will arrive in eternity and that is…
What is faith? – Part 2
How can we ever get enough faith to be faith-full? We must learn to believe even when we don't see any possible solution?
How do I get more faith? – Part 1
Why do we react in fear and worry when unexpected things happen? Do we really believe our prayers will be answered?
How do I get more faith? – Part 2
Why do we still worry after we pray? Focusing on our problems only leads to worry and doubt, but faith-filled prayer connects us tot he solution.
Faith, faith and more faith
Why were there so many more miracles in the Bible days than we see now? Is God less powerful now or are we less faithful?
Why does God test my faith?
The difficulties of this journey here on earth are the trials that increase our faith. Faith without testing is useless. What kind of faith does it take to trust God when everything goes our way?
How do I stop worrying?
How do I stop worrying? We are actually enabling worry and fear to grow in us by focusing on our problems. Understanding the power of faith over fear is the key to . . .
What is blind faith?
What is blind faith? Blind faith is believing—even though we can not see, even though there isn't any evidence that things will work out— God can, and will still make it happen. Blind faith is acting, not just talking. We must . . .
How should I pray?
Prayer isn’t just folding your hands and worshipping God, it’s talking to Him about everything in your life. Do you think He only wants to hear from you when things are going good?
Am I good enough for God?
Eventually, we will all ask, am I good enough for God? No one can make himself clean enough for God, but through Christ's cleansing blood we are all made...
What is sin?
Can we ever stop sinning, is it really possible? One our own we will never be able to but through the indwelling Spirit of God we . . .
How can I stop sinning?
Can we ever really stop sinning, is it possible? One our own we will never be able to but through the indwelling Spirit of God we . . .
How can I break bad habits?
Can we ever break free from the habits that plague us? What if we are unable to resist the . . .
What is backsliding? – Part 1
How can I keep myself from backsliding into my old savored sins? How can I catch myself before it’s too late and the gravity of sin pulls me down again?
What is backsliding? – Part 2
How can we keep from falling apart when we’re devastated and scared of the potential outcome? How can we keep our faith when everything’s falling apart?
Will God forgive me? – Part 1
How can we ever comprehend the extent of God’s all-encompassing forgiveness? Will God forgive me when I’ve deliberately gone against His word and . . .
Will God forgive me? – Part 2
Why is it, that not until we’re flat on our backs we finally become willing to call out for His help and guidance?
How do I get God’s forgiveness?
How do I get God's forgiveness? Do I have to go to church every week? How drastically will I have to change my lifestyle so that God will forgive me?
How do I forgive others?
How can we ever be merciful enough to forgive the people that really don’t deserve forgiveness, those that have deliberately hurt us, stolen from us, slandered and betrayed us? How do we ever forgive the unforgivable?
Why should I forgive others?
Why should I bother to forgive those that have deliberately hurt me? What difference does it really make if forgive them or not? Why not just stay angry and hold a grudge, after all they don’t deserve my forgiveness!
How can I change?
How can I stop reacting out of anger? How can I stop thinking the worst and learn to give others the benefit of the doubt? How can I ever change?
How do I stay changed? – Part 1
Are you tired of feeling frustrated all the time—sick of trying to control everything and everyone? Maybe it’s time to learn how to let go and not take it back anymore, to surrender to God and stay surrendered! How can we ever let go of trying to do everything on our own? Maybe it’s time to learn how to . . .
How do I stay changed? – Part 2
Q: How can the simple act of expressing gratitude to God completely change my life?
A: There is a much bigger plan behind God’s request of praise, it enables us to . . .
How do I get unstuck?
Are you tired of getting stuck in depression? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get unstuck? Then you need to have a game-play in place for the next time Satan tries to lure you into a state of fear and depression. Maybe it’s time to . . .
How can I stay unstuck?
Are you ready to stop reacting in fear every time something goes wrong? Are you willing to discover a new way to find peace in the storms of life? Maybe it’s time to learn how to let go and not take it back anymore—to surrender to God and stay surrendered!
Why do I need to be humble?
Humility doesn’t come easily to anyone. But until we are willing to humble ourselves and surrender to God, we will never be empowered to . . .
Why is pride so dangerous?
Our pride is our biggest nemesis. It’s so hard to concede and surrender. Submitting to authority is as difficult now as it was as a child. “I can do it myself” thinking seems to be the default thought pattern that continually clings to us. Our ego is so over-inflated that we never want to admit we are wrong or that we can’t do something. And therein lies the problem.How can we become empowered by Almighty God if we . . .
Why do I need Godly counsel?
If you think you never need any advice, think again. We will inevitable be led astray if we think we can make all our decisions on our own. God repeatedly tells us that . . .
Will God take care of us?
There is a power much great than anything we could ever comprehend, a power that loves and cares for us. How can we ever trust our Creator without developing a deep faith in His all knowing providence? How can God lead us if we . . .
Why won’t God answer me?
Are we ever going to be willing to put down our own agenda and surrender to a God that knows everything? When will we stop trying to control every aspect of our lives? God has a great plan for every single one of us, and all we need to do to receive it is . . .
Did you wear your Eclipse glasses?
Maybe we all need to be more concerned with our eternal lives and put on a Jesus fireproof suit, rather than worrying about wearing eclipse glasses to protect only our eyes. We had better . . .
Why do I need Jesus?
Why can’t I just believe that there is a God and be okay with that? Why do I need to have the whole Jesus thing? Can’t I just try to be good and still go to heaven? If all we needed was…
Is climate change real?
Climate change is an undeniable fact. There is most definitely an enormous increase in natural disasters. Statistics don't lie! However, we can not change . . .
How to be happy in life.
So how do we ever really become happy? There is only one way to truly be happy and carefree, first, you must learn how to…
Why should I rest on God’s day?
God hard-wired us with an inherent need to totally shut down and rest every single week. This period of time is by design, it’s the limit of our batteries, so to speak. We have an autoimmune system that is dependent on several things, but above all else, rest, is at the very top of this list! If we defy God’s rule and try to push past this limit we . . .
Why is the Sabbath day special?
Maybe we need to think about this wonderful gift as the blessing it really is, an entire day to spend with our Creator, rather then an inconvenience in our busy schedules. Are we going to trust our Shepherd to lead us home or are we going to continue to follow the rest of the misguided sheep? God clearly tells us to . . .
Why is it hard to be a Christian?
It sure is exhausting trying to be good 24/7— I would never have signed up if I had known how much work it would be to become a Christian. The simple truth is all we need to do to become what God has planned for us is . . .
What is the Golden Rule?
It’s easy to be kind to someone that’s nice to you, but it’s nearly impossible to be nice to someone that’s being an all out jerk! So how can we ever reach this unreachable bar? We need to understand that we . . .
How do I find inner peace? – Part 1
Are you sick of the anxiety that life creates? Are you ready to do whatever it takes to finally find peace of mind? All you need to do to achieve this heavenly gift from God is to . . .
How do I find inner peace? – Part 2
Gratitude really seems to be the secret to peace. God truly has a plan for us to have peace of mind, and all we have to do is . . .
Why, oh, why, am I here?
“But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as[...]
How do I find inner peace? – Part 3
Do you truly believe God is in control of everything? If so, why don’t we thank Him for everything both good and bad? If we just understood that He…
Happy New Year! would like to you wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. As we welcome in this new[...]
Are thoughts actually prayers?
On our own, we will fail! We can pretty much count on this end result, so why do we continue to try to do anything on our own? I'll tell you why, because we get caught in the mindset of pride, and believe we . . .
What are we talking about?
Are we speaking hope and love or are we condemning and complaining? We have this power, this ability to use our words as the powerful force they are or to insult and complain. If we would use this power to . . .
Is criticism Godly?
Are we criticizing others to help them or are we inadvertently trying to build up our own self worth? Maybe it’s time we stop critiquing others and start . . .
Is a little lie a big problem?
Are we willing to admit that lying is admission of sin? If we didn’t believe what we were doing was wrong why would we lie? Lying is a very…
When is Jesus returning?
Will you be ready when Jesus returns to take us to heaven? Do you have a relationship with Him or do you just not think about it all that much?…
Are horror flicks a bad thing?
There is really only one way to get closer to God and that is through reading His holy word. On our own, we will succumb to the temptation to, not only watch the wrong things but to do the wrong thing as well.
Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
There are only two choices in this life, to follow the word of God or to follow the traditions of man. Is God willing to compromise in these issues, is He okay with . . .
Why do I need the Bible?
Are you ready to turn to God and only God for all of you needs—reach out to Him with all of your problems, and praise only Him?
Is the Bible really all true?
Are you ready to reconsider the way you’ve been living, the day you hold sacred, and the God you worship? Are you worshipping as the Creator deems or are you worshiping as man has ordained?
Is the Word of God powerful?
Are you willing to allow Jesus to energize you through His mighty words? The Bible is so packed with energy that even Jesus Himself vanquished the devil by . . .
The birth of a Savior!
God sent His Son to be born as a human baby—to live and to die for us—that we might live eternally with Him. Are you ready to accept His sacrifice for your eternity? Are you ready to . . .
Do you want a New Year start-over?
Are you ready to get a complete redo—a whole new life—a God-given start-over? Are you ready to . . .
What is God’s will for my life?
Does the Bible actually tell us what God wants us to be doing here on earth? Why would He care what we . . .
What’s God’s plan for me?
Does the Bible actually tell us that we should try to keep God’s law? Wasn't the law nailed to the cross when Jesus . . .
Why should I obey God?
Are you willing to allow God to empower you to stop sinning? Do you accept that He doesn’t condone sin, or do you still believe God doesn’t care if we continue . . .
Why does God want obedience?
Are they just to restrict us and prevent us from enjoying this life, or are they there to help us and keep us healthy and safe? Why do people believe that Jesus did away with . . .
Why must we die?
Do you want to know the absolute truth from the infallible word of God or are you more comfortable following along with tradition? Our heavenly Father is crystal clear regarding the state of the dead as well as the rules of living here on earth. Why are we so fearful and confused when it comes to death and what will . . .
Do you live by faith or fear?
How do we get more faith? How do we draw closer to God and resist fear? The answer is surprisingly simple but walking it out isn’t . . .
Who do you serve?
Are you serving the master of this world or the living God. Are you more worried about what people think or what God knows? But how can we ever . . .
Will you go where God leads?
It’s so much easier, in the long run, to obey God rather than living a life full of repeats. It seems that obedience to His word is the fast track to a life . . .
Why should I tithe?
Tithing is just another indisputable biblical principle. If we trust that the Bible is the infallible word of God, we will do as He instructs us without hesitation. God is always a rewarder of obedience . . .
Why should I fast?
Why is fasting important for both physical health as well as spiritual well being? Why would God want us to be hungry and . . .
What is God’s take on marriage?
Why did God enact the covenant of marriage? Why did He create us with a hardwired need for a mate and the deep desire for . . . ?
What’s God’s role for husbands & wives?
God made woman to be mans helper, his companion and the source of his procreation. He did not try to match Adam with any of the animals or another man but rather the woman who He made from the . . .
What does God say about sex?
Why is it so important that we show physical affection to our spouse? Is sex . . .
What does God say about family?
Are you willing to accept your God-given responsibility to become the head of your household? And what, exactly, does that entail? Are you willing to allow your husband . . .
Why is it so hard to be a Christian?
It sure is exhausting trying to be good 24/7— I would never have signed up if I had known how much work it would be to become a Christian. The simple truth is all we need to do to become what God has planned for us is . . .
Why should I read the Bible?
Are you ready to turn to God and only God for all of you needs—reach out to Him with all of your problems, and praise only Him?
Should I fear God?
Does God really want us to be afraid of Him and run away in fear? Or is this just our misconception of the meaning of . . .
How do I get God’s power?
Do you follow along with family traditions or do you dig into the Bible to see what God has to say about everything? Are you influenced by the ways of the world or do you . . .
How does God reveal His desires?
How does God reveal His desires? Are you open to accepting the truth even if it hurts? Are you willing to change your ways and turn . . .
Why should I share Jesus?
Why is it our responsibility to share the truth about Jesus and what He did for all of us? The following contains a little insight into my own personal testimony.
How can we accept disappointment?
Will you trust God as the sole authority of every little part of your life or do you only . . .
How do I know God is leading?
Are we doing what God is wanting us to do or are we doing our own thing and expecting God to . . .
Why do Bible Heroes fall short?
Are we doing what God is wanting us to do or are we doing our own thing and expecting God to . . .
Does God hear my prayers?
Are we taking everything to God in prayer? Or are we trying to figure things out on our own? After all, isn't God too busy to . . .
How can I hear God?
Are we really listening or are we so busy living our lives that God would need a megaphone to . . .
Why is anger so dangerous?
Are we willing to try to turn the other cheek, even when someone is deliberately mean to us? Are we ready to simply obey God and allow Him to change . . .
How can I get closer to God? – Part 1
Are you ready to do everything in your power to develop this relationship? Are you ready to open your Bible and jump in with . . .
How can I get closer to God? – Part 2
Are you ready to reach out to Jesus in every aspect of your life? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to have a continual connection to . . .
How can I stay close to God?
Do you reach out to Jesus with praise and gratitude when everything's going great or only when you're drowning in sorrow and . . .
Why do I need Jesus? – Part 1
Why can't I just believe in God and not worry about Jesus and salvation? After all, we messed everything up with sin and being evil, why would God care about us anymore. Jesus is the mediator between man and God, He is the bridge to reconnect with . . .
Why do I need Jesus? – Part 2
None of us will ever be good enough to stand before Almighty God without Jesus. Nothing we ever do will cover the sins we've already committed and therefore . . .
Can I live forever?
Have you ever thought about your eternity, have you ever wondered how you could obtain eternal life? Are you willing to risk your . . .
What am I focusing on?
Are you ready to focus on God's infallible ways rather than the ways of this world? Are you tired of being led astray by the . . .
Understanding what faith is. – Part 1
Do you have the kind of relationship it takes to trust God? Do you really believe He will come through no matter . . .
Understanding what faith is. – Part 2
Are you still trying to force your agenda or are you ready to trust in God's much bigger and better plan? Are you ready to allow His perfect plan to play out
in His perfect time or do you . . .
How can I get more faith? – Part 1
Why do we react in fear and worry when unexpected things happen? Do we really believe our prayers will be answered?
How can I get more faith? – Part 2
Are you ready to pray and not doubt even when things appear to be going terribly wrong?
Are you ready to grow some faith?
Are you willing to trust God no matter what? Are you okay with not getting what you ask for but still trusting that He . . .
Why does God test our faith?
Why doesn't God just make our lives easy, breezy and remove all of our problems? Why does He continually seem to test our faith by . . .
Why do I need faith?
Why do we need faith to get through this life? What's so important about believing in things we can't . . .
How should we pray?
Why do we need to pray about everything? Why can't we just call on Him when we need . . .
How can I be good enough for God?
If I think we can fix my sin mess by myself, I'm making a huge mistake. But what can I do to ever be good enough to . . .
How can we stop sinning?
How can we ever be strong enough to resist the temptations from the devil? Or is there a better way to stop . . .
How do we break bad habits?
We must accept that on our own we will fail! But with the help of Almighty . . .
What does “backsliding” mean? – Part 1
How can we ever stop backsliding if we refuse to get help? Doesn't God have a . . .
What does “backsliding” mean? – Part 2
Are we ready to be baptised and repent... connect to God and turn from sin?
The best weapon against the enemy!
Are you ready to take hold of the greatest weapon there is against sin? It’s time to accept that you are a child of God, endowed with Christ’s robe of righteousness, and finally learn how to get connected and . . .
Will God forgive us? – Part 1
How can we ever comprehend the extent of God’s all-encompassing forgiveness? Will God forgive me when I’ve deliberately gone against His word and . . .
Will God forgive us? – Part 2
Why is it, that not until we’re flat on our backs we finally become willing to call out for His help and guidance?
How do we get God’s forgiveness?
How do I get God's forgiveness? Do I have to go to church every week? How drastically will I have to change my lifestyle so that God will forgive me?
How do we forgive others?
How can we learn to forgive the unforgivable, the heartlessness and cruelty of those who. . .
Why should we forgive others?
Why should we bother to forgive those that have deliberately hurt us? What difference does it really make if we forgive them or not? Why not just stay angry and hold a grudge, after all they don’t deserve our forgiveness!
How can we change?
How can we stop reacting out of anger? How can we stop thinking the worst and learn to give others the benefit of the doubt? How can we ever change?
How do we stay changed? – Part 1
Jesus actually tells us what to do to stay changed, well, actually what not to do. In numerous verses He repeats the single most important thing we must avoid if we want to stay in a state of peace. No matter what's happening we must refuse . . .
How do we stay changed? – Part 2
Are you tired of being fearful all the time? Would you like to learn how to stay in a state of gratitude and peace? All you need to do is . . .
How do we get unstuck?
Are you tired of getting stuck in depression? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get unstuck? Then you need to have a game-plan in place for the next time Satan tries to lure you into a state of fear and depression. Maybe it’s time to . . .
How can we stay unstuck?
Are you ready to stop reacting in fear every time something goes wrong? Are you willing to discover a new way to find peace in the storms of life? Maybe it’s time to learn how to let go and not take it back anymore—to surrender to God and stay surrendered!
Why do we need to be humble?
Humility doesn’t come easily to anyone. But until we are willing to humble ourselves and surrender to God, we will never be empowered to . . .
Why is being prideful so dangerous?
Our pride is our biggest nemesis. It’s so hard to concede and surrender. Submitting to authority is as difficult now as it was as a child. “I can do it myself” thinking seems to be the default thought pattern that continually clings to us. Our ego is so over-inflated that we never want to admit we are wrong or that we can’t do something. And therein lies the problem.How can we become empowered by Almighty God if we . . .
Why do we need Godly counsel?
If you think you never need any advice, think again. We will inevitable be led astray if we think we can make all our decisions on our own. God repeatedly tells us that . . .
Will God take care of me?
There is a power much greater than anything we could ever comprehend, a power that loves and cares for us. How can we ever trust our Creator without developing a deep faith in His all knowing providence? How can God lead us if we . . .
Why doesn’t God answer me?
Are we ever going to be willing to put down our own agenda and surrender to a God that knows everything? When will we stop trying to control every aspect of our lives? God has a great plan for every single one of us, and all we need to do to receive it is . . .
Why do we need Jesus?
Why can’t I just believe that there is a God and be okay with that? Why do I need to have the whole Jesus thing? Can’t I just try to be good and still go to heaven? If all we needed was…
We are living in end times
We are living in end times and there's more than one power influencing the events on this earth! This is what most people are unaware of. God gets blamed for all the bad things that happen but He's really the one that's trying to save everyone.
Is Jesus coming soon?
The Bible tells us everything, even all of the events that will happen right before the second coming of Jesus. We are most definitely living in end times, so is Jesus coming soon . . .