Useful Bible Tips

Useful Bible Tips

Bible - If you don't already have a Bible, my recommendation is to get a New King James Version with Cross References as well as Red Letter Bible (Jesus' words in red).

Fallen asleep -  When Jesus refers to sleep, He is referring to death.  Read John 11:11-14

Gospels - The four Gospels are written by four very different people with four very different personalities….one for every personality type. So as you read each book you will probably be able to connect with one more than the others. God did this deliberately so everyone would be able to fully understand the life of Jesus. By reading all four we will gain a much fuller picture of who Christ is.

Overcomer - Here’s an interesting little trick that will help you make your Bible reading more personal. Whenever you see the word Israel in the Bible, insert your name or the word “overcomer” We are the “Spiritual Israel” that overcomes sin/death through Jesus.

Sin - disobey Him/separate from Him

Spiritual Israel: (or children of Israel)
When we see the word “Israel” in the Bible we can substitute (our name, the words Spiritual Israel/as we are Spiritual Israel, or the word overcomer/as we are the overcomes of sin through Christ.) 

Word - Whenever you see a noun capitalised in the NKJV, it’s referring to Jesus. This is one of the many reasons I uses the New King James Version of the Bible.

Word of God - “For the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword……and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12