“So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.” ~Exodus 23:25
If we really want to be physically healthy, we must become aware of both our physical requirements as well as our spiritual needs, because spiritual apathy is an open invitation for physical demise. A troubled mind often leads to sickness. Things tend to change for the worse if we don’t purposefully plan to change them for the better! We need to wake up and get in-line with God on every level before it’s too late.
Here’s an easy to understand explanation of the need to not worry and live in total faith if we really want to stay healthy. Dis-ease of the mind and heart will eventually bring disease of the body.
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." ~Proverbs 17:22
If we don’t trust God completely when the bad things happen, we will worry and stress! If we stress, our immunity will diminish, and disease can then consume us. If we continue in a state of emotional stress, our immune systems will eventually collapse allowing our condition to become chronic, or even lead to death.
Fear and faith cannot coexist: negative thoughts are always fear-driven, research shows that fear triggers more than 1400 known physical and chemical responses.
Here’s some basic science that totally backs the Bible. There is an essential human protein (GcMAF) that our body makes that removes a number of diseases, including cancer. If we are healthy, we make around 10,000 cancer cells a day, but our GcMAF protein destroys them all. Additionally, this magical protein has more than 20 beneficial attacks on disease in general.
If you have a severe shock, such as losing a loved one, or you become weakened by illness, this stress will give a disease the chance to send out an enzyme to prevent your body from making its own GcMAF protein. If this happens, that will stop the 20 known positive effects of GcMAF in the body, including its six attacks on cancer. Without this vital protein, your immune system also collapses, and the disease or cancer will then become chronic or fatal.

The moral to this brief science lesson—God created our human bodies; we are literally living in healing machines—that is, if we do what He tells us to do, and don’t do what He tells us not to do, we will more than likely heal!
If we want to stay healthy and be able to heal our bodies, we must be obedient in everything God tells us; it’s just that simple! We must eat what He says to eat, and not eat what He tells us not to eat.
We must avoid all unnatural foods like refined anything, especially refined sugar! Consuming refined sugar can actually cause vitamin deficiencies. Did you know that for every molecule of sugar our bodies use, 54 molecules of magnesium is necessary to process it? 75% of all Americans suffer from magnesium deficiency. This sure should be a red flag for everyone, not just those of you who have dessert after dinner.
Sugar is in just about everything! It’s hidden in nearly all processed foods. White sugar is a refined carbohydrate and is technically classified as a drug because it is one of the most addicting substances known to man. White sugar has been linked to a multitude of health issues; everything from cancer to obesity, brain fog to attention deficits, baldness, blindness, high blood pressure, allergies, infertility, M.S., Alzheimers, diabetes, arthritis, as well as being the leading cause of acid reflux/yeast overgrowth in the stomach. When we ingest refined white sugar, it stresses the pancreas, kidneys, and liver, and causes more illness and organ compromise than there is room to list here.
Next, on the how to stay healthy list is the God-given need to get lots of exercise, fresh air, and sunshine! Exercise is the cornerstone to good health. Obesity isn’t the only results of lack of exercise, it also causes coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes, as well as high cholesterol levels and Type 2 diabetes. Also, a lack of sunshine can lead to another important vitamin deficiency, vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D can cause everything from brain-fog to depression, from frequent illnesses to impaired wound healing. Plenty of Vitamin D is essential to a healthy auto-immune system, so get outside!
Additionally, it is recommended to take a high-quality daily vitamin and mineral supplement due to the lack of nutrients in today's foods. Much of our food is grown in nutrient deficient soil, and as super important as diet is, supplementation is necessary to achieve our best possible health. Even organic fruits and veggies are often lacking in essential vitamins and minerals due to these modern-day growing conditions.
And of course, it goes without saying, don’t smoke anything, or drink any form of alcohol! Our lungs were not created to inhale toxic fumes, nor was our liver created to process alcohol. And, the absolute, most important thing of all is to, trust God in everything and do not worry!
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” ~Psalm 55:22
Being healthy is not only the results of what we put into our physical bodies, its what we feed our minds as well. Being consumed with anger and resentment, fear and sadness, are just as harmful to our physical well being as eating toxic foods. Stress in any form, whether physical or emotional, will have an enormous effect on our autoimmune systems. We must do everything in our power to keep our bodies functioning to their peak performance, and that includes peace of mind through absolute faith in God.
"After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church." ~Ephesians 5:29
God wants us to take care of our bodies and not indulge in unhealthy practices. These are the only bodies we are going to get here on earth. We need to stay healthy in order to serve the Lord and accomplish whatever it is He has for us to accomplish. We need to take care of our bodies in every way we can. According to the word of God, our bodies belong to the Lord who purchased us with His blood. Therefore we should act responsibly as to how we treat this gift from God and do everything in our power to stay healthy, and that includes trusting Him to handle all of our problems!
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” ~1 Corinthians 6:19
Q: Are you doing everything you can to prevent illness?
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