The Truth Mission is a self funded ministry, spreading the word of God all over the world. Christianity is going to Pakistan. Our Evangelist, Arslan Masih, is preaching the gospel message of hope to these desperate hope-less people in the streets of Faisalabad.
Any donation is greatly appreciated.
These people are beyond poor, and the recent Corona Virus has devastated this region. These people live hand to mouth, they have zero savings to fall back on and their government offers no assistance. People are dying, not just from Covid but mostly from starvation.
Please help us to continue to grow our ministry in these far regions.
Spreading the gospel throughout the world is not an easy or inexpensive undertaking. It takes much effort and many expenses are incurred in the process of reaching people halfway around the world.
Please give from your heart as the Spirit of God leads.
May God richly bless you for your compassion for these desperate people.
Please pray that we can continue to grow our ministry and spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.