“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” ~Luke 6:45

God spoke everything into existence! This fact alone should shed some light on the tremendous importance of the power of words! Language is the carrier of our consciousness. What are we talking about, our problems or our blessings? We must start to consider not only what we put in our mouths, but what we allow to come out of them as well. The question should really be, what are we thinking about and meditating on…last week’s post!
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” ~Luke 6:45
God is trying to change our hearts, for out of our heart-felt thoughts come our spoken words. We think it before we speak it. Whatever we are thinking about will eventually be what we are talking about. The mouth should have these three gatekeepers: Is it true? Is it kind? And is it necessary?
Before you speak, T.H.I.N.K!
T . . . is it True?
H . . . is it Helpful?
I . . . is it Inspiring?
N . . . is it Necessary?
K . . . is it Kind?
“Nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.” ~1 Corinthians 10:10

As we’ve already learned, God refers to the mind as the heart. From our mind/ thoughts come our words and words have great power!
Words have both energy and power, they have the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, and to hurt. Whatever our heart is filled with is what will eventually leak out of our mouths.
Our vocabulary reveals our thoughts, intentions, goals, and overall mindset. Are we speaking as true Christians? Ask yourself this one question, are my words going to improve or harm?
Complaining is the ultimate outcome of disappointment. And I’m just as guilty as anyone else when it comes to complaining. I get caught-up in anger when things go wrong and just can't seem to keep myself from blabbing about it. Even though I understand the relevance of this self-defeating behavior, I still get caught in the trap.
Think about what we are actually doing when we gripe and complain. We’re not only accepting the bad stuff in our lives as our reality, we are speaking words that endorse and increase their existence in our lives. When we complain, we are verbally acknowledging Satan’s plan. Just let that sink in!
The devil tempts us to get overemotional when things go wrong, especially when someone hurts our feelings. He baits us with the thought of getting even—he entices us to do to them what they have done to us. This is how he sets the trap!
The minute we start to think about the injustice of it all, we are taking over for God, but we are becoming a tool of evil rather tan good, and are ready to go to battle to even the score! Satan knows that we'll make a great big mess of things if we do this, and that’s exactly what he wants. He wants to fill us with anger, revenge, and hatred. He temps and goads us to get even no matter what the cost!
Remember, our thoughts lead to our words, and our words lead to our actions. The very moment we decide to take over and bump God from the equation is when everything starts to go very bad. On our own, Satan will always lead us astray.
“But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” ~James 3:8
We must understand this reality so that we can run to God for help every time we are tempted to take things into our own hands, to not only speak evil, but to do evil as well. On our own, we can’t seem to stop ourselves from this verbal self-defeating reactionary behavior. Only with Gods help can we succeed.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” ~Psalm 19:4
God, on the subject of communication . . .
"All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." ~Matthew 5:37
And if you read this same verse in the King James Version it actually uses the word, communication. ”But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” No doubt about it, the Bible clearly tells us to use good, simple communication. Just a yes or a no will be adequate! Anything more than that is unnecessary.
All too often we try to either elaborate too much or worse yet, joke and be sarcastic. Truly this is the primary source of miscommunication, and miscommunication is at the very core of anger and hostility.
I’m a terrible joker, and sarcasm used to be my first language, but I’ve learned that all too often when I try to be sarcastic or humorous I usually wind up hurting someone’s feelings. I’ve discovered that it’s just much easier to be straight and use simple, unadulterated communication. I now try with everything in me not to joke around so much, especially with people I don’t know very well.
I’m also trying to turn over a new leaf regarding talking about others as well. I can now see how this does nothing but further Satan’s cause to divide and concur. We gotta get better at using our words for good . . . rather than evil!
The moral to this story is this; if it doesn’t edify someone, don’t say it! It doesn’t matter how angry you are, how mistreated you’ve been or how overwhelming the temptation might be, don’t do it! If we speak, speak life!
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” ~Luke 7:45
What are you speaking?
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