Faith...The size of a mustard seed, All things are possible!

Faith, faith and more faith

“Then Jesus answered and said to her, O woman, great is your faith! Let it be as you desire. And her daughter was healed from that very hour.”   ~Matthew 15:28

There is no limit to God’s power, He is only limited through the limits of our faith. Do you believe God is any less powerful today than He was in the Bible? Do you think Jesus has less power now than when He walked the earth? Of course not. The only reason we see less miracles is because we have less faith.

It might seem that I’m a little stuck on the topic of faith, but faith is, by far, the most important thing in this life. Without faith in God, and faith in our eternal life through the redemption of Jesus, we are forever lost!

God gave us all a little seed of faith. He is the author of our faith and He is also the one who will finish what He started in us, if we allow Him to. God has given us everything we need to get our faith up and running. We must simply continue to run the race that is set before us, trust Him in everything and He will get us to the finish line.

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith . . .”   ~Hebrews 12:2

Hebrews 11 is a biblical accounting of how by faith many great believers in God put their faith into action. Action is the proof of faith, James says it well when he says, …faith without action is dead. Action speaks louder than words, action is faith!

Do we really act in faith? I know I try to but usually find myself in more of a state of doubt than faith. The reason is simply, it’s usually because I’m not instantly receiving what I’m praying for.

The doubt starts to grow when I begin to question God. I’m questioning His motives the very minute I doubt, I’m not trusting that He’s in control, that He loves me and that He is doing what He knows is best. Doubt is to faith . . . what water is to fire. Doubt extinguishes our faith, it’s Satan’s way of getting us to look back at the problem rather than keeping our eyes on God!

So all we really bring to any miracle is this one thing . . . faith! And evidently it doesn't take very much faith at that, if you have faith as a mustard seed…you can move a mountain… Seriously, a mustard seed is really, really small.

Faith...The size of a mustard seed, All things are possible!

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”   ~Ephesians 3:20

Did you catch that? According to the power that works in us! Faith . . . faith is that power! Our faith in God’s power!

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world—our faith.”   ~ 1 John 5:4

Our faith in His power is how we become empowered— empowered in the here and now, and more importantly, empowered to live forever through our faith in His power of resurrection.

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access by faith into the grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God”   ~Romans 5:1-2

Now that we have a biblical insight into the power of faith, let’s try to understand why God tests our faith.

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You might say that I was a rather late spiritual bloomer, tripping my way into the Lord's arms not all that long ago. Nevertheless, I've been on the fast track ever since through a decade of Bible study courses and daily devotion. Changing careers a few years back and becoming a published author of Christian motivational books, leading to spiritual children's books and now this blog.

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