“ I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me.” ~ Proverbs 8:17
We must be proactive, we must diligently reach out and seek God in order to find Him. We need to literally make time to get to know Him because without a deliberate, conscious effort it will probably never happen.
How did you get to know your spouse? You dated, right? Did you just wake up one day and find yourself in a relationship? No! One of you specifically asked the other to go on a date so you could spend time with each other. It's the only way to have a relationship with anyone, you must spend time with that person. We get to know God personally through developing a deep, meaningful relationship by spending time with Him...and the best place to find Him is in His holy word.
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Q: Why does it seem so hard to find the time?
A: Work, kids, breakfast, school, dance class, Little League, homework, meals, baths, chores, shopping, our social life…on and on! These things can all get in the way. So now you must ask yourself, what do I want? A hectic, chaotic life...or the peace found only in Christ? We must prioritize our lives to include Him, make our daily reading as habitual as breakfast, and create a new habit. We have to create a habit of going to our Bible, first thing, as soon as we get up every, single morning.
By starting my day off with praise (thanking Him for everything), worship (praying and conversing), and study (reading His Word) my day will always go smoother. This is the thing that motivates me the most, the knowledge that my entire day will go better if I do this one little thing.
I’m just too busy…
But, you might ask, how can I possibly fit one more thing into my already crazy schedule? You need to start earlier. Start out by getting up just ten minutes earlier and go directly to your Bible. No-one is up, it's quiet, and it's just you and God…He will do the rest. Talk to Him, ask Him to help you…He will.
After you do this for a while you can gradually increase your time. How long is less important than being consistent every single day. I try to spend an hour, I call it my power hour! It’s the most important hour of my day. This is when I get juiced up with the energy I need to get though the day.
Here's how I start every day. I get up, go to the living room, sit down on my couch and I pray. I tell Him I'm sorry for messing up and how grateful I am for another day. I then tell Him everything that's troubling me. So often we complain to everyone about all our problems but forget to talk to God about them.

" And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” ~ Matthew 21:22

I then ask Him to guide me through my Bible reading and impress me with the things I need to know today. I then sing a praise song or two, either one of my favorites or I just Google "praise songs" on YouTube and then sing along while I get a cup of coffee and start my day.
Why you ask, is it so important for me to have this daily devotion time every morning? Why can't I just pray when I need something or when I have the time? Ask yourself this one little question to find that answer. How long would I stay married if I approached my relationship with my spouse in the same manner... just called him/her when I needed something, or had some time to kill?
We must make our relationship with God our number one priority if we truly want to get closer to Him. He surely made us His biggest priority. Just think about what He gave up, how He suffered and died to have us with Him forever.
Make your life easier...

I'm gonna be honest here, some days
“ And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.” ~ Jeremiah 29:13
Now that you know how to find God, how can you grow closer to Him?
Get the answer on my next post, or sign up below for an email reminder.
Latest posts by Linda Wright (see all)
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I’m married to a man who is emotionally abusive . I said my
Vows before God and family . But he’s destroying me, and my heart,
I don’t think God hears my prayers , what shall I do?
I’ve thought about this question and prayed on it as well, and have decided to share my own personal experience with this same exact situation. My husband also was very emotionally abusive, and I too felt the commitment to stay in the marriage. I followed the advice in 1 Peter 3:1-6. I also prayed for my husband every time he said something mean to me. In my head I asked God to send His Holy Spirit on my husband to convict him of how hurtful his words were to me.
I’m not going to tell you that this change happened overnight. It took several years for this transition to take place. I too had to change. I had to learn to speak respectfully to my husband even when I didn’t think he deserved my respect.
Read these verses! They changed the way I looked at my marriage. Ephesians 5:22-30. Verse 22 says, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.”
Then in verse 25 it says, “ Husbands, love your wives.” It occurred to me that the submit to your husband part came first, not the love your wife command. So, I figured God knows what He’s talking about and this order must have a reason, so I did it. I showed my husband respect even when he was a jerk. And little by little he came around.
There is a great book that a friend gave me that totally changed my marriage. I read it twice and then I asked my husband to read it and he did because he saw this change happening in me. You can get this book on Amazon, it’s called Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. Click this link to book on Amazon
Thank you for your question, hope this helps.
P.S. If any violence or physical aggression ensues, please leave immediately.
First of all totally surrender your heart to God. Understsnd that God came to earth in the form of a human man, Jesus, to not only teach us how to live but to die for our sins and redeem us from eternal death. Ask Jesus to come into your heart.. Pray with all your heart and soul, asking Him to lead you to the cleansing you should desperately seek. Ask Him to cross your paths with those that can help you. Please feel free to contact me anytime. I will pray for you my friend.
Thank you so much for you comment, as well as your offer of prayer. We all need all the prayer we can get, including me. I struggle just like everyone else, sometimes I think even more so because I am trying to share the truth on this blog, and Satan would like nothing more than to silence me.
Blessings my friend,
P.S. Please feel free to send your contact info to me via a comment!