Why does God allow bad things to happen? Does He? Could it be on us or is there another force or . . . Continue Reading
Tag: fear
What does the Bible say about fear?
Are we living our lives according to God? If we are, does fear have a place or does the Bible . . . Continue Reading
How can we stay unstuck?
Are you ready to stop reacting in fear every time something goes wrong? Are you willing to discover a new way to find peace in the storms of life? Maybe it’s time to learn how to let go and not take it back anymore—to surrender to God and stay surrendered! Continue Reading
How do we get unstuck?
Are you tired of getting stuck in depression? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get unstuck? Then you need to have a game-plan in place for the next time Satan tries to lure you into a state of fear and depression. Maybe it’s time to . . . Continue Reading
How do we stay changed? – Part 2
Are you tired of being fearful all the time? Would you like to learn how to stay in a state of gratitude and peace? All you need to do is . . . Continue Reading
How do we stay changed? – Part 1
Jesus actually tells us what to do to stay changed, well, actually what not to do. In numerous verses He repeats the single most important thing we must avoid if we want to stay in a state of peace. No matter what’s happening we must refuse . . . Continue Reading
Do you live by faith or fear?
How do we get more faith? How do we draw closer to God and resist fear? The answer is surprisingly simple but walking it out isn’t . . . Continue Reading