Are we living our lives according to God? If we are, does fear have a place or does the Bible . . . Continue Reading
Tag: faith
What is Jesus saying in Matthew 5:17
Did Jesus really change God’s law? If so how can we know what things were changed and what He wants us . . Continue Reading
Will God take care of me?
There is a power much greater than anything we could ever comprehend, a power that loves and cares for us. How can we ever trust our Creator without developing a deep faith in His all knowing providence? How can God lead us if we . . . Continue Reading
Why does God test our faith?
Why doesn’t God just make our lives easy, breezy and remove all of our problems? Why does He continually seem to test our faith by . . . Continue Reading
Are you ready to grow some faith?
Are you willing to trust God no matter what? Are you okay with not getting what you ask for but still trusting that He . . . Continue Reading
How can I get more faith? – Part 2
Are you ready to pray and not doubt even when things appear to be going terribly wrong? Continue Reading
Understanding what faith is. – Part 2
Are you still trying to force your agenda or are you ready to trust in God’s much bigger and better plan? Are you ready to allow His perfect plan to play out
in His perfect time or do you . . . Continue Reading
Understanding what faith is. – Part 1
Do you have the kind of relationship it takes to trust God? Do you really believe He will come through no matter . . . Continue Reading
Do you live by faith or fear?
How do we get more faith? How do we draw closer to God and resist fear? The answer is surprisingly simple but walking it out isn’t . . . Continue Reading
Can faith really change things?
“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” ~Matthew 17:20Can faith really change our outcomes? I would have to say, most… Continue Reading