How do we get more faith? How do we draw closer to God and resist fear? The answer is surprisingly simple but walking it out isn’t . . . Continue Reading
Category: Advanced
Who do you serve?
Are you serving the master of this world or the living God. Are you more worried about what people think or what God knows? But how can we ever . . . Continue Reading
Why are bad things happening?
Why would an all loving God allow bad things to happen to us? Why doesn’t He just fix all the bad stuff and . . . Continue Reading
Will you go where God leads?
It’s so much easier, in the long run, to obey God rather than living a life full of repeats. It seems that obedience to His word is the fast track to a life . . . Continue Reading
Why should I tithe?
Tithing is just another indisputable biblical principle. If we trust that the Bible is the infallible word of God, we will do as He instructs us without hesitation. God is always a rewarder of obedience . . . Continue Reading
What is God’s take on marriage?
Why did God enact the covenant of marriage? Why did He create us with a hardwired need for a mate and the deep desire for . . . ? Continue Reading
What’s God’s role for husbands & wives?
God made woman to be mans helper, his companion and the source of his procreation. He did not try to match Adam with any of the animals or another man but rather the woman who He made from the . . . Continue Reading
What does God say about sex?
Why is it so important that we show physical affection to our spouse? Is sex . . . Continue Reading
What does God say about family?
Are you willing to accept your God-given responsibility to become the head of your household? And what, exactly, does that entail? Are you willing to allow your husband . . . Continue Reading
Why should I read the Bible?
Are you ready to turn to God and only God for all of you needs—reach out to Him with all of your problems, and praise only Him? Continue Reading