Why do we react in fear and worry when unexpected things happen? Do we really believe our prayers will be answered? Continue Reading
Category: Getting Started
How do I get more faith? – Part 2
Why do we still worry after we pray? Focusing on our problems only leads to worry and doubt, but faith-filled prayer connects us tot he solution. Continue Reading
Faith, faith and more faith
Why were there so many more miracles in the Bible days than we see now? Is God less powerful now or are we less faithful? Continue Reading
Why does God test my faith?
The difficulties of this journey here on earth are the trials that increase our faith. Faith without testing is useless. What kind of faith does it take to trust God when everything goes our way? Continue Reading
How do I stop worrying?
How do I stop worrying? We are actually enabling worry and fear to grow in us by focusing on our problems. Understanding the power of faith over fear is the key to . . . Continue Reading
What is blind faith?
What is blind faith? Blind faith is believing—even though we can not see, even though there isn’t any evidence that things will work out— God can, and will still make it happen. Blind faith is acting, not just talking. We must . . . Continue Reading
How should I pray?
Prayer isn’t just folding your hands and worshipping God, it’s talking to Him about everything in your life. Do you think He only wants to hear from you when things are going good? Continue Reading
Am I good enough for God?
Eventually, we will all ask, am I good enough for God? No one can make himself clean enough for God, but through Christ’s cleansing blood we are all made… Continue Reading
What is sin?
Can we ever stop sinning, is it really possible? One our own we will never be able to but through the indwelling Spirit of God we . . . Continue Reading
How can I stop sinning?
Can we ever really stop sinning, is it possible? One our own we will never be able to but through the indwelling Spirit of God we . . . Continue Reading